September 21st, 2020
Families of elementary students have continued to reach out to request a change in their child’s model of learning. We want to be responsive to the needs of our students and families. To help ensure our families and students have the opportunity to access their chosen learning option as soon as possible, ensure equity of opportunity for all families and students, and reduce disruptions in learning, we are asking families to make their request for a change in your child’s model of learning by Friday, September 25, 2020. This date replaces the October 16 deadline originally communicated. Students will transition to their new learning environment, in-person or distance learning by mid-October. In the meantime, we encourage our families to have their child continue to attend their in-person program or engage with their child’s classroom’s virtual learning environment and/or the WRDSB@Home portal.
New deadline: Friday, September 25 at 4:00 PM.
How to request a change to student mode of learning
If families would like to make a change to their child’s mode of learning, we would encourage you to call or email the Principal of your child’s home school and request the change.
Don’t worry, even if you change your mind after September 25, you will still have an opportunity to change learning options throughout the school year.
- The next time that families will be able to switch modes of learning (after mid-October) will be February 3
- Families who are interested in switching modes at this time must request a change to their children’s mode of learning by January 15
Categories: News