A Warm Welcome to the Grand View Community!
We are the Grand View HAWKS!
(Helping, Attitude, Work Ethic, Kindness, Smart Choices)
One of our goals is that each student learns what it means to be a HAWK!
On an academic level, staff members are diligent in analyzing school data and looking at the strengths and needs of the students at Grand View. Our teachers attend professional development activities on a regular basis and work hard to broaden their knowledge base and refine their instructional practice. Teamwork and collaboration are the underlying philosophies that our staff believe in and live daily.
We are a very busy school, providing many academic and extracurricular activities. The enthusiasm shown by our teachers in running these intramural sports and clubs is invaluable. Some examples are the Oktoberfest celebration, Fun Fair; as well as a multitude of special activity clubs (Cheer Leading Club, Games Club, Craft Club, coding club) and a variety of extra-curricular sports (Floor Hockey, Basketball, Flag Football, Kilometre Club, Soccer) and the list goes on.
From an information technology perspective, we have two Smart Boards and have recently added new Data Projectors to every classroom. We also have over 100 personal devices such as Chrome Books and iPads.
Our school starts at 9:10 a.m. and the end of the day is 3:30 p.m. Our first break is from 11:10 to 11:50 and the second break is from 1:50 to 2:30. Grand View provides All-Day (full-day, everyday) Kindergarten for both JK and SK students.
Please remember not to bring peanut or nut products to school due to the life-threatening allergies of some students.
Thank you for supporting us and contributing to Grand View’s spirit!
Grand View is a great place to learn!